Friday, February 29, 2008

A moment on Colossians...

In Bible study, we have been working through Paul's commentary on Wisdom from Colossians. This post will focus predominantly on Chapter 3, verses 18 to 25. Like a number of other passages (I Peter 3:1-22 for example), this passage is often cited for its references to the way we should behave in our roles within the family unit. Verse 18 in particular states that wives should be "subject" to their husbands. (NASB 3:18) I take issue with much of this passage because of this interpretation. While I value the commentary, and Bible study did include conversation that changed my opinion on how this family structure should operate, I think these kinds of passages have a broader meaning. This is not meant to cheapen this reading of the passage, however, I feel there is a greater context to consider than the structure of the family unit. Specifically, I want to focus on Verses 23 to 25.

Whatever you do, do your work heartily, as for the Lord rather than for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance. It is the Lord Christ whom you serve. For he who does wrong will receive the consequences of the wrong which he has done, and that without partiality. (NASB 3:23-25)

This language along with the previous text suggests that this entire passage is really meant as a lesson on walking wisely in the roles you take on in life. Moreover, the idea that direct application is necessary is anachronistic since the passage has historical connotations specific to the the Colassians. The timeless lesson of how to act and live for God through the example of Christ stands out in sharp relief when put into this context. The broad idea of Wisdom is a great lesson.

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